A history of the monarchy for the returning exiles.
The creation story is contained in this book
Reflections on the vanity of human life
The Persian queen, born a Jew, saves her people from genocide.
Prophet reproaches Israel's unjust leaders and unfair treatment of the poor. Also, points to the coming of the Messaih.
The second law is written
Collection of prophecy regarding the Jewish exile
Prophecy of the approaching moment when God sets His consequence of Israel's sins
Prophecy how Salvation will only come when Jews return to God and his laws
Tells about the battles of the Isrealites possessing the Promised Land
The Jews begin rebuilding Jerusalem
Story of a righteous prophet in exile and how God protects saves him and his friends
Prophecy explaining the disaster of exile for not following God's laws
Story of Hannah and the beginning of the kings of Israel
Story of King David and to-be king son, Solomon
Story of David, Solomon and divided monarchy
Story of God inspiring the king of Persia to commission a Jewish leader to carry out a mission
Book contains the story of the Hebrew slaves
The Isrealites wandered in the desert.
Woman accepting the God of her mother-in-law and God's provision
Prophecy regarding Jews guilty of injustices to people