Physician who represents a department or service and sits as a formal member of the executive medical staff committee
Failure to complete a planned action ad intended or the use of a wrong plan to achieve an aim
Physician responsible for the medical operation and quality of a hospital department or services
Physician responsible for overseeing a component or subdepartment of a hospital service - for example, a radiologist who is chief of the nuclear medicine service
Formal organization of physicians authorized to admit and attend to patients within a hospital; have authorized privileges bylaws, elected officers, and various committees and activities
Unit of the hospital with specific functions or specialized skills such as housekeeping, surgery, radiology, or accounting
Services providing the components to patient care that collectively support the physician's plan for diagnoses and treatments
Insurance companies, medicare, medicaid and other commercial companies that are the payers of inpatient and out patient medical expenses for the patient
Injuries,large or small, caused by the use of a drug.
Management of quality in the workplace from a perspective of total involvement of every employee, with a strong focus on process measurement and control
Organization of a hospital or medical clinic that provides diagnostic imaging through medical technologies such as x-ray examination, fluoroscopy, computed tomography, interventional radiography,magnetic resonance imaging,mammography,nuclear medicine and ultrasonography
Independent not for profit organization that evaluates and accredits more than 17,000 health care organizations and programs in the United States and is the nation's primary standard setting and accrediting body in health care