The general principle of judicial restraint that "courts do not decide ___ questions" is applied in cases where the court decides that the issue should be dealt with by one of the other branches of government instead.
Like Chief Justice Rehnquist before him, Chief Justice Roberts viewed his role of presiding officer over the President's impeachment as being very ___.
The Judicial Councils Reform and Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980 established a statutory ____ procedure against judges, giving the Circuits tools to deal with bad judges. (Describing this statute and the various available outcomes of the complaint process would be a good essay question.)
Instead of retiring, federal judges, including Supreme Court justices, often go on ___ status, maintaining a reduced caseload and maintaining their office and staff, but opening up their official position to the appointment of a successor.
State judges are selected in different ways in different states, including partisan ___, nonpartisan ___, merit selection, gubernatorial appointment, and appointment by the legislature.
State ___ courts' jurisdictions vary based on the varied ages at which different states have legislated that persons accused of crimes should be tried in adult court.
The term "judicial ___" refers to the process by which a new judge is trained to perform the tasks of the profession
A ___ appointment is a Presidential appointment made during a Senate break, which expires at the end of the next session of Congress.
During the Obama Administration, the Democratic Senate Leaders invoked the "___ option" of reforming filibuster protocol to allow cloture by a simple majority vote. The result is that the minority party in the Senate now has less ability to influence the judicial appointment process at all levels of the judiciary.
Article III guarantees a criminal defendant the right to a trial by ___.
There are no formal ___ of Federal Judges.
____ selection plans used in many states are a hybrid, whereby a judicial nominating committee forwards a short list of vetted names to the governor, who chooses from that list to make an judicial appointment. After a short period of time, that judge then stands for a retention election, running on their record on the bench.
Prohibiting judges from ___ soliciting campaign donations is one way states have tried to control improprieties created by the election process for selection of state judges.
Federal courts exercise ___ of citizenship jurisdiction over disputes arising under state law, but involving parties from different states or between an American citizens and a foreign country or citizen, if the amount in controversy exceeds $75,000.
The concept of justiciability involves not so much a court's technical authority (jurisdiction) to hear a ___, but rather the court's decision-making regarding whether they ought to hear or refrain from hearing certain types of disputes. This concept involves the application of various principles of judicial restraint.
Presidents have the most success at getting their nominees ___ when the nominee comes from a noncontroversial background and has middle-of-the-road political leanings, and when the President's party controls the Senate and a majority shares the President's values. (This question, along with a couple examples, would be a good essay question.)
Modern state courts have varied systems of ___, reflective of the varied manner in which each state's courts evolved and varied levels of receptiveness to organizational reform.
Pursuant to Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution, it was Chief Justice Roberts's responsibility to ___ over the Senate's trial of the President's impeachment.
The general principle of judicial restraint that "a definite ___ must exist" includes the sub-principles against issuing advisory opinions, against issuing decisions where a party does not have personal standing, and against issuing decisions in a case that is moot.
Senatorial ___ is the unwritten rule that usually Senators of the President's same political party who are from the same state as a potential judge have an unofficial veto over lower court appointments.