When the SOVIET UNION and the USA began building as many NUCLEAR MISSILES as they could this was called a...
The term given to the massive invasion of Europe by Allied forces
"THE LONG TELEGRAM" described how the SOVIET UNION should be handled if it sought to expand its territory
The Eastern European country that STALIN said could hold elections to self-determine there choice of government and then he said HE WOULD NOT PERMIT THE ELECTIONS
This couple was convicted of espionage, stealing the secrets of the ATOMIC BOMB and giving them to the SOVIET UNION. They were found guilty and executed by the electric chair
The USA loaned Europe $17 BILLION dollars to rebuild Europe and stop the spread of COMMUNISM
"GOING TO THE EDGE" in a dangerous political contest
THE USA donated $400MILLION dollars to GREECE and TURKEY after it was discovered that these countries were being targeted by the Soviet Union to turn to communism
Term used to describe the WITCH HUNT tactics of finding suspected COMMUNISTS, later REJECTED by the American people as too extreme
THIS CITY in GERMANY was cutoff from contact with the outside world and was saved by the USE of USA AIRCRAFT
This set of ideas was created by President Eisenhower to stop the spread of COMMUNISM in the MIDDLE-EAST
NICKNAME for the USA Congress investigating UN-AMERICAN behavior of its citizens
A meeting called by this president held in Bretton Woods, New Hamshire in which the USA established the WORLD BANK and INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND to manage world finance and loan poorer countries money to better develop their trade abilities
Military alliance of the Soviet Union to defend its territory if NATO attacked
This battle in Russia turned the German Armies back and meant the end of Axis war in the Soviet Union
First Japanese city bombed by the nuclear bomb called FATBOY
Government ownership of property