This ancient Greek philosopher believed if you cut an object into tinier and tinier pieces, you'd reach a limiting piece, so small, that it could not be cut any further, called an atom
Post-humans would be like _________ to the beings inhabiting their simulations.
Physicists want the ________ of their theories to be elegant
Light that is higher in energy than violet is not _________ to our eyes
"Space and time affect and are affected by the _______________ and the forces in the universe"
It takes less computer _______ to simulate the sensory input to a human brain, than to simulate the activity inside a human brain
the chief of SpaceX that said: “If you assume any rate of improvement at all, games will eventually be indistinguishable from reality,” and, “We’re most likely in a simulation.”
If higher beings ______________ us, and we learn to ______________ conscious beings who ______________ their own beings, then it's 'simulations all the way down'
Unit of time abbreviation
another name for a particle accelerator
An important question in simulation theory is whether the human species will go ____________ before we reach a post-human stage
The __________ length may be the smallest meaningful distance, in a sense giving us a pixelated universe
Planck length is about 1.6 times 10 to the _______ 35th power
"the universe is like an _____, made up of layers and layers of phenomena"
The picture on p.281 where the universe is in the shape of a big toe is a ________ (because TOE stands for theory of everything)
The idea that if you build a computer simulation of a brain that perfectly mimics our mental functions, it will be conscious. Bostrum expressed it as consciousness that can arise from substrates other than "carbon-based biological neural networks inside a cranium" (2 words)
The name Bostrum gives to beings so advanced they can create simulated beings with consciousness
We are not sure if electrons and quarks are really _____, they may be made up of even smaller particles