Alternating Treatments Design does not require _________
Dimension of behavior where your main priority is your client. These improvements could affect stakeholder clients as well.
Key words: Social Significance or social validity
A type of unknown or uncontrollable influences on the dependant variable: ___________ variable
A dimension of behavior demonstrating Control / functional relationship
data moving in desired direction with a notable change in behavior (observable bx change, practical results)
Experimental design- Rapid alternation of 2+ IVs and (usually) a baseline/control
- Measures effect on a single bx to determine the best treatment
- IV can be alternated across days or sessions, or within session
This dimension of behavior has the following key words associated with it: repeated, recipe, objective, clear, and concise
A dimension of behavior demonstrating Control / functional relationship
Clear operational definitions and goals to ensure procedural ________
AKA for Alternating Treatments Design
- Systematically withdraw treatment components to see if behavior change is maintained (determine active parts of the treatment package)
Experimental design
- Staggered implementation of the intervention across behaviors, settings, subjects
- Most widely used design
Proving a functional relation between the IV and DV
A variation of the multiple baseline design that features intermittent measures, or probes, during baseline. It is used to evaluate the effects of instruction on skill sequences in which it is unlikely that the subject can improve performance on later steps in the sequence before learning prior steps.
results last across people, places, & time
- A dimension of behavior