Sometimes called the Polus because he was the Titan of the North. He had the gift of prophecy and married his Titan sister, Phoebe.
The sixth Titan sister who loved babies and animals. She is often depicted with lions, and eventually married her Titan brother, Kronos. She earned the title, The Great Mother because she gave birth to six of the twelve Olympians.
The fourth child of Kronos and Rhea who became the god of the underworld.
The second daughter of Kronos and Rhea who was the goddess of the harvest and presides over grains and the fertility of the earth.
Who did the Titan brothers take as their wives?
The daughter of Koios and Phoebe who became the Titan protector of the young.
The Titan of the south who used a Ram as his symbol.
"In addition to being king of the cosmos, Kronos became the ______________."
The third daughter of Rhea and Kronos who was the most beautiful. She was Queen of the gods and the wife and sister of Zeus. She is known for being the goddess of Marriage & Birth.
The sixth child of Kronos and Rhea, he was born in Crete, where he was also hidden. His mother gave Kronos a stone in his place in order to protect him.
The FIRST son of Iapetus and Klymene who was an excellent fighter. He became the right hand man of Kronos, and is usually depicted with the earth on his shoulders.
The Titan in charge of the outer waters that circled the world. Married his Titan sister, Tethys.
The first to be swallowed by her father, Kronos, she was the goddess of the hearth, home and fire.
Titan sister who loved rivers, springs, and fresh running water. She was considered nursemaid for the world and later married her Titan brother, Oceanus.