______ flows in>>>>depolarization>>>>> release of neurotransmitter>>>>> generates action potential in the cochlear nerve
Glands that secrete oil that reduces tear evaporation
Perception of objects in the environment by means of light they emit or reflect
Muscles: Superior, inferior, lateral, medial rectus muscles
Superior and inferior oblique muscles
Detect static equilibrium and linear acceleration
Apparatus that makes, distributes and drains tears. Tears from ________ gland wash and lubricate eye, deliver oxygen and nutrients, prevent infection
Tallest stereocilium is bent when __________ membrane rises up toward tectorial membrane>>>>open mechanically gated ion channels
As ______ turns, endolymph lags behind, pushes cupula, stimulates hair cells
Block foreign objects, help with sleep, blink to moisten
Equilibrium with the perception of motion or acceleration
Innervates other four extrinsic muscles
Help keep debris from eye
Direction of bending of stereocilia determines impulse frequency and nerve impules
CN 4 innervates superior oblique
Acceleration that change in velocity in a straight line(elevator)
Visible electromagnetic radiation
human limited to wavelengths of 400 to 700 nm
Must cause a photochemical reaction to produce a nerve signal
Superior, inferior, medial, and lateral rectus muscles move the eye __, ____, medially, and laterally(respectively)
Superior and inferior oblique muscles turn the "twelve o'clock pole" of each eye toward or away from the nose