British official who ruled over India before independence.
Because of India's large population, the British Empire valued them as a colony because of the massive ____ market there.
Gandhi's first occupation.
Leader of the Muslim League who not accept Indian independence under Hindu rule.
India is divided into 35 political _____ or Unions.
Indian National ____________
Gandhi was charged with the crime of ______ meaning he was inciting others through speech or action to rebel.
Five up and coming world economic powers
Place where Gandhi began his career fighting for the rights of oppressed people.
Important minority religious group in India who helped push for Independence.
Beautiful building built by Shah Jahan for his wife.
Along with Urdu, Gujarati and others, ______ is one of the main spoken languages in India.
Spinning your own cotton so you didn't have to buy from Britain.
Once called Bombay, it was the first British foothold into India.
Greatest leader of Indian independence.
Main Religion of India at time of independence movement.
Refusing to buy certain products.
Many Indian nationalists hoped that British would grant their independence if they helped Britain during the two World ______.
Influential attorney and friend of Gandhi's who became first Prime Minister of India.
Monotheistic religion from the Punjab region of India.