Structures and/or their respective components whose similarity arises from their being derived from a common ancestral (evolutionarily related) structure
Mutations affect gonad and bone formation
Abnormalitities caused by genetic events such as gene mutations, chromosomal aneuploidies, and translocations
A series of rapid mitotic cell divisions following fertilization in many early embryos; cleavage divides the embryo without increasing its mass
The non-yolk-containing (upper) half of the amphibian egg (2 words)
The series of cell types starting from an undifferentiated, pluripotent stem cell through stages of increasing differentiation to the terminally differentiated cell type (2 words)
The process of progressive and continuous change that generates a complex multicellular organism form a single cell
Segmental block or ball of mesoderm formed from paraxial mesoderm adjacent to notochord (the axial mesoderm)
Diagram that follows cell lineages from specific regions of the embryo in order to “map” larval or adult structures onto the region of the embryo from which they arose (2 words)
The invagination point where gastrulation begins
The study of animal development from fertilization to hatching or birth
An often transient mesodermal rod in the most dorsal portion of chordate embryos that plays an important role in inducing and patterning the nervous system as well as a structural role prior to cartilage and bone formation
A fluid-filled cavity that forms in the animal hemisphere of the early amphibian and echinoderm embryos, or between the epiblast and hypoblast of avian, reptilian and mammalian blastoderm-stage embryos
Cells containing the pigment melanin. Derived from neural crest cells and undergo extensive migration to all regions of the epidermis.
The placodes that form ears
Refers to an embryo during neurulation
A unique division process occurring only in germ cells, to reduce the number of chromosomes to a haploid complement
Induces dorsal neural tube development