Date only those who have high _________ and in whose company you can maintain your high standards. Carefully plan positive and constructive activities so that you and your date are not left alone without anything to do. Stay in areas of safety where you can easily control yourself. Do not participate in conversations or activities that arouse sexual feelings.
Look for a companion of your own faith. Look for someone you can always honor and respect, someone who will complement you in your life. Before you marry, be sure you have found someone to whom you can give your entire heart, your entire love, your entire allegiance, your entire loyalty.
The New and Everlasting ________ of Marriage. In our Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness, a man and a woman can be sealed to one another for time and all eternity. Those who are sealed in the temple have the assurance that their relationship will continue forever if they are true to their covenants. They know that nothing, not even death, can permanently separate them.
President Kimball said: Your journal is your ________, so it should be kept carefully. You are unique, and there may be incidents in your experience that are more noble and praiseworthy in their way than those recorded in any other life. There may be a flash of illumination here and a story of faithfulness there; you should truthfully record your real self and not what other people may see in you.
______restores the sealing keys D&C 110:13-16
The First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles “solemnly proclaim that ________ between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children”
Once a couple is married and sealed in a ______, any children who are then born to them are automatically sealed to them at birth. If children are born before the couple is sealed, those children can later participate in a temple sealing with their parents. Children that are adopted also have an opportunity to be sealed to the adoptive parents.
As you write in your journal, remember what the ____ has done for you.
A family built on the marriage of a man and woman supplies the best _______ for God’s plan to thrive—the setting for the birth of children, who come in purity and innocence from God, and the environment for the learning and preparation they will need for a successful mortal life and eternal life in the world to come.
After receiving the sealing ordinance and making sacred covenants in the temple, a couple must continue in ____________ in order to receive the blessings of eternal marriage and exaltation.
The concept of eternal families comes from scripture and modern-day revelation. For instance, the New Testament reference in Matthew 16:19 records Jesus Christ telling the Apostle Peter: “And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” The Church equates the word “bind” with “____”
Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness enables family relationships to continue throughout eternity. Through family history work, we can learn more about our ancestors, identify and prepare the names of those who need gospel __________, and perform ordinance work for them in holy temples.
The Lord and His prophets have emphasized the importance of keeping records. Writing in a personal_______gives us an opportunity to reflect on our lives and recognize the many blessings God has given us
Our journals can also be a source of inspiration and strength to future generations of our ________.
Members of the Church believe that marriages performed in temples are “sealed,” or blessed to last for ________. The concept that the family unit can continue beyond the grave as a conscious, loving entity, with the marriage partnership and parent-child relationships intact, is a core belief of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Be loyal to one another. Be ________ in your marriage covenants in thought, word, and deed. Remember that the Lord has said, “Thou shalt love thy wife with all thy heart, and shalt cleave unto her and none else” (D&C 42:22). The phrase “none else” teaches that no person, activity, or possession should ever take precedence over your relationship with your spouse.
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Quick Answers:
Where is my puzzle?
All your puzzles are accessible from your 'My Puzzles' page, which you can access using the navigation bar at the top when you are logged in.
Be sure to log in using the same email address you used when you created your puzzle.
How do I print?
There is a 'Make Printable' button on the top left of your puzzle that will let you sign up for a plan or purchase a single puzzle.
Once paid, that button will turn into a 'Preview + Publish' button that will put your puzzle in a format that can be printed or solved online.
Once you publish your puzzle, you can click the print icon or use your browser’s print function.
It looks weird when printed.
First make sure you’ve published your puzzle. See the 'How do I print?' section above for more information.
99% of other printing issues have to do with printer settings. Instead of trying to fiddle with printer settings, which can be time-consuming and frustrating, there are a couple workarounds you can try.
You can try printing from a different browser, since different browsers have different default print settings. Alternately, you can try saving as a PDF (next to the print icon) and print that.
Why isn’t this free?
We invested in building a number of premium features that free sites are unable to offer: the ability to automatically or manually add words to your puzzle, save-as-you-go puzzle editing, the ability to access your puzzles from any computer, an uncluttered and ad-free interface, the ability for friends and colleagues to solve your puzzles online, and quick responsiveness to reported issues.
My Crossword Maker is the lowest-price service we've found that provides these features, and is designed for people who are not satisfied with what free sites are able to provide.
I thought this was free.
We’re sorry you thought My Crossword Maker was free, that must have been frustrating.
We’re constantly trying to provide a clear and straightforward user experience, and we’re not trying to hide the price: on the page where you make your puzzle, the price is listed in the overview in the top left (before you log in), below the 'Make Printable' button (after you log in), in the FAQ below the grid, and also in the tour.
Unfortunately, we have limited control over how we show up in Google and on other sites, so if they show My Crossword Maker when someone searches for a free site we can’t do anything about that.
It says there is no account with my email.
First check whether you used a different email address to create your account. Your login email is the email address where you received a welcome email from us.
Alternately, it’s possible there was a typo in your email when you created your account. If so, report an issue below and provide the name and last four digits on the card you used when you signed up. We’ll use this information to track down your account.
I am being asked to pay a second time.
If you are a member of My Crossword Maker and are still being asked for payment, then you may have inadvertently created a second account.
Your paid account will have the email address where you received an email confirming your subscription.
If you never received such an email, or are still unable to find your paid account, report an issue below and provide the name and last four digits on the card you used when you signed up. We’ll use this information to track down your account.
My password reset isn’t working.
For security a human can’t see or reset your password, so read the below information carefully.
If you haven’t gotten the password reset email, check your spam folder, be sure you’re checking the email account that the email was sent to, and be aware that some school email systems block emails from non-school email addresses.
If you have the password reset email but the password isn’t accepted, be sure you are using the most recent password reset email: sometimes people will hit the button twice, and only the second password will work.
Be sure if you copy-paste the password not to get a space on the outside, or if you're typing it keep in mind that it's case-sensitive and that a lower-case L can look like the number 1, etc.
How do I cancel?
You can cancel your subscription from your 'My Account' page, which you can access using the navigation bar at the top when you are logged in.
Support representatives cannot cancel a subscription on your behalf.
Not all my words are in my puzzle.
When you hit the 'Arrange' button, our algorithm will try to arrange all your words on the grid, and will move words around to try to fit the most words.
This will get all the words on the grid about 90% of the time, depending on the word list. For the other 10%, you will get an alert explaining that the words that did not fit were added to the scratchpad.
It prints on two pages.
Big puzzles won’t always print on one page — the clues and grid are the smallest we could make them while keeping them readable for everyone.
That said, different browsers print in slightly different ways, so you could try using 'print preview' using a different browser (or try the PDF button) to see if you like how that looks better.
I didn’t hear back from you.
We generally respond to all reported issues in about a day. If it’s been a few days and you haven’t heard back from us, it’s possible we sent an email that didn’t reach you.
Check your spam folder, and be aware that some school email systems block emails from non-school email addresses. Try providing a different email address if you think our emails to you are being blocked.
Answers take about a day. Try the Quick Answers above for a faster resolution.