Creation of interpretive rules and procedural rules are exempted from the ___ participation requirements for rulemaking under the APA, but the agency must still publish the rule and explain why it did not permit participation by interested persons.
In formal rulemaking procedure pursuant to the APA, before the hearing is conducted, the agency must give notice to the public through a "notice of __ rulemaking", or NPR.
The Congressional ___ Act is a federal statute that requires agencies to submit newly created rules to Congress for review, and potentially for disapproval, pursuant to Congress's constitutional lawmaking process.
In the informal rulemaking process, after notice and opportunity for public comment, the APA section 553(c) requires the agency to issue its final rules with a "concise ___ of their basis and purpose."
Government agencies regularly conduct ___ to view records, conditions, and premises to protect the health and welfare of employees, customers, and the public.
Inclusion of additional ___ to the informal procedural requirements that result in hybrid rulemaking include such things as:
o Allowing for oral comment
o Requiring testimony and cross-examination
o Advance notice of proposed rulemaking preceding normal notice
o Disclosure of methodology or notice of intent to rely on scientific or technological methods utilized to reach decisions.
In formal rulemaking procedure pursuant to the APA, the NPR (notice of proposed rulemaking) must include "either the terms or substance of the proposed rule or a ___ of the subjects and issues involved, as well as a reference to the legal authority authorizing the agency to enact the proposed rule.
Rulemaking is the process whereby agencies establish law to implement or perform a duty authorized or required by ___; when an agency is acting in its quasi-legislative capacity.
An agency's authority to require that individuals and businesses maintain (do not discard or destroy) records
The Federal ___, published every federal government working day, is the official government publication of all federal administrative rules, proposed rules, orders, announcements, and related documents.
In formal rulemaking procedure pursuant to the APA, an agency must ___ a final rule at least 30 days before the rule becomes effective.
When formal rulemaking is required, an agency must follow the APA's adjudicatory procedures and hold an evidentiary, ___ of hearing.
The APA defines a __ as an agency statement of general or particular applicability and future effect designed to implement, interpret, or prescribe law or policy or describing the organization, procedure or practice requirements of an agency."
Executive Order 14192 of 1.31.25 “Unleashing Prosperity Through Deregulation”
directs agencies to identify ___ existing rules, regulations, or guidance documents to repeal for each new rule, regulation, or guidance that an agency promulgates. The EO also requires that the total incremental cost all new regs, including repealed regs, ‘be significantly less than zero’ for fiscal year 2025.” (A hypothetical involving predictions regarding any legal challenges to this EO would be a good essay question.)
The authority of an agency to make substantive ___ must stem from an enabling statute that specifically authorizes the agency to promulgate ___.
The two types of ___ rules are procedural and substantive.
Ratemaking is typically a legislative function and thus free from ___ process concerns when dealing with an entire industry, however, the ratemaking process is considered adjudicatory and ___ process does apply if the ruling applies to a singular entity. Examples of adjudicatory ratemaking include ratemaking for electric and gas companies.
The APA established ___ that federal agencies must follow when adopting rules. According to the Supreme Court in NLRB v. Wyman-Gordon Co. (1969), those ___ "were designed to assure fairness and mature consideration of rules of general application."
___ rulemaking is permitted when only a small number of parties have an interest in the subject of a rule. Through is congressionally created hybrid process, agencies negotiate the development of a proposed rule with specific interested parties.
Agencies may issue rules without giving interested persons the opportunity to participate when the APA provides a(n) ___ from rulemaking procedures.